Our innovative, adjustable, 4-point foam roller and massager FitRoll™ is the perfect solution to reduce the appearance of cellulite, keep skin and blood vessels toned, increase blood and lymphatic flow, and soothe sore muscles.
The ergonomic grip makes it easy to apply the perfect amount of pressure to achieve the most effective massage on different body parts.
Can 15 Min/Day home treatment do this?
Our myofascial massage solution offers a myriad of benefits.
It stimulates the deep layers of the skin and the muscles, encouraging the flow of oxygenated blood to the area, providing the nutrients necessary to improve the condition of your tissue, and helping the lymphatic system to remove any toxins and excess fluid and fat!
Saves you tons of Time and Money
One of the major drawbacks of relying on massage salons or clinical treatment to achieve maintain a desired visual result is that you will always have to keep paying...
While the FitRoll is a one-time investment in a lifetime which results in cellulite-free, healthy skin, relaxed and flexible muscles!
What doctors say?
"Cellulite is caused structurally by fibrous tethers (fascia) that course through fat and create dimples, fluid and toxin accumulation, and the breakdown of collagen and elastin.
Increased circulation and lymphatic drainage strengthens fascia, enhances local collagen and elastin production and prevents fat cells from pushing through to cause more dimpling."
Dr. Ashley Bourne, MD, PhD, Plastic Surgeon

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